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December 13, 2018

«CyberPlat® made it possible for the CyberFT platform (analogue of SWIFT) to operate not only on the American Oracle, but also on the Russian Postgres Pro

CyberPlat® announces the launch of the CyberFT platform - a universal system for secure electronic exchange of financial data and legally significant documents in the SWIFT FIN language (ISO15022 and ISO20022 standards) based on the Russian Postgres Pro DBMS. Postgres Pro is based on the free PostgreSQL database management system and is compatible with a wide range of operating systems, including certified Astra Linux, ROSA and Alt Linux operating systems. CyberFT's compatibility with an open source solution can dramatically increase platform independence and sovereignty, as well as reduce the cost of ownership and maintenance compared to Oracle.

Postgres Pro, like the CyberFT platform, is included in the "Unified Register of Russian Programs for Electronic Computers and Databases" of the Russian Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. The use of certified domestic software increases the level of security and reduces sanctions risks for users of the CyberFT network. Currently, there are more than 400 participants in the CyberFT network, including large holding and financial structures, including more than 100 banks, which are interested in using high-quality import-independent software.

The CyberFT platform is used for electronic document management primarily in the financial sector, as an analogue of SWIFT, but at the same time it significantly surpasses the international interbank information system in terms of functionality. CyberFT is a multifunctional IT platform designed for the secure transfer of financial and corporate data between different categories of users. It allows you to exchange structured and unstructured payment documents, contracts, acts, invoices and other types of documents within the framework of end-to-end electronic document flow, as well as to conclude transactions in electronic form.

Corporate clients can also use CyberFT as a universal Host-to-Host channel to interact with several banks through the unified Client-Bank system. The architecture of the CyberFT platform allows users to quickly create new categories of messages using the format designer.

The CyberFT platform, among other things, is supported by Russian workstations "Tavolga Terminal", developed on the basis of the line of domestic processors "Baikal-T1". This modern computer equipment, created as part of the development of import substitution, is used by organizations and companies with increased requirements for the level of information security and in need of maximum independence of the IT infrastructure from external factors.

The implementation of the state authorities' installation for import substitution in the field of software can be clearly seen in the electronic settlements market. Integration of high-quality domestic developments is the only correct strategy in such a situation. Interest in the CyberFT platform is steadily growing year after year, and the transfer to the sanctioned independent Postgres Pro makes the platform even more in demand from companies, banks and government agencies that need modern and reliable domestic IT solutions, »says CyberPlat CEO Andrey Gribov.

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